The Bad Easter Bunny

Published by Sky Pony Press

The Easter Bunny is tired of being taken advantage of. Children swarm him for candy and never seem to notice his generosity. It''s gotten so bad, in fact, that the Easter Bunny''s beautiful pink fur has started to change a variety of colors, from a sad blue to an irate red! And he''s had enough. He''s decided to become the Bad Easter Bunny (aka BEB) and to start wrecking havoc all around town. Easter will not be a pleasant time this year for the children unless BEB is able to cool his temper. All it takes, in the end, is a simple "thank you" from a little girl to start BEB back on the right track. They share some chocolate and soon, the Easter Bunny is back, pink fur and all. And children have learned the importance of being gracious and saying the magic words.

The Bad Easter Bunny
By Isabel Atherton
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