I'm Steph. I was born in France but now live in London. My Mum has always been a primary school teacher, so besides growing up with endless volumes of dry pasta and glue, I grew up with endless volumes of children’s books. This passion stayed with me throughout my life and I’ve been lucky enough to Art direct and illustrate several children’s publications for Sky Pony Press and Serious Comedy London. My Mum would tell you that her books fired my imagination and gave me my creative career.
In fact it’s been nothing but a side effect of a clever ploy to keep me quiet as a child. A ploy that worked, and one that still keeps me quiet to this day… sometimes.
Purple Dragonfly Book Awards Medal 2014
Moonbeam Children's Book Silver Medal 2013
I’m immensely grateful for the Arts Council to have offered me a grant to support my hand washing story book project. The Handy Hand Washing Handbook has now been clinically approved by the NHS and will soon be helping children, chase those nasty germs away.
Represented by Creative Authors.
For commissions, please contact me at
Merci et à très bientôt.